Why Won't My Boat Plane Out

why won't my boat plane out

First trim the engines in all the way, tell everyone to hold on, then accelerate gradually onto plane. as the boat speeds up and the bow comes down, start trimming the engines out. when the bow is. I have no problem planing out when the boat is not loaded heavily, but when i reach the maximum load capicity it takes way to long to plane out. if i exceed the weight capacity, it won't plane out at all. the prop just spins out. would a new prop with a lower pitch help me out or am i just overlading the boat?. If you watch a planing boat in motion, you'll notice that about the front third of the boat will be out of the water. with less boat in the water, there's less drag, and with that reduced drag comes better fuel economy, to a point. getting on plane. the smaller the boat, the more effect crew positioning will have on the boat's ability to plane..

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why won't my boat plane out My first thought would be to have your outdrive or transmission checked. the 'trim" is usually what helps the boat plane up out of the water. you want the trim all the way down when starting up, then as you pick up speed, gradually bring the trim up to help push the boat forward and plane out..
