how to make a small aluminum boat more stable
The wife says the small boat is too tippy. 14 foot aluminum, older deeper mirrocraft fishin boat. any suggestions on making it less tippy? basically, step more then a foot from center and the whole boat leans 35 degrees... want to make it more stable if possible.. These boats are usually of a small size. they were created mainly for personal use. therefore, they can comfortably cater for two persons but not much more. the boats come in various widths ranging from three feet to seven feet or more. the wider the jon boat, the more stable on the water it will be. many are reluctant or at least a little. How to make a jon boat more stable there is no doubt a jon boat is one of the most versatile small craft available to sportsmen and watermen. the shallow draft design is perfect for hunting waterfowl, fishing the flats or accessing shallow areas to tend crab pots, dig clams or simply provide transportation to a favorite camping site..
how to make a small aluminum boat more stable Recently we received this inquiry about the stability of our boats: “we are interested in learning more about your small row boats. we need it to be stable on rough water that we often experience on priest lake. it also must be comfortable for my wife to row at age 78. the navigator looks good, but perhaps others are just as good or better.. we look forward to hearing from you.. Initial stability is a measure of how stable the boat is when sitting upright. reserve stability is how stable the boats is when heeled over. jon boats typically have a lot of reserve stability because of the sloping sides. this doesn't mean you can't turn it over, it just means that as the boat leans over it gets harder to make it lean more..
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